This is perhaps the best time of year for climbing in Glen Nevis. The midges have not yet hatched, the bracken is still dormant and the crags often dry. Much clearance of Silver Birch and other prolific tree species have been cleared from around the rocks making for a much more pleasant experience and saving the crags from becoming over grown. The late Ed Grindley and more recently the Polldubh Club have been instrumental in this and have worked closely with owners and land managers to reduce the number of Birch in favour of Oak, Ash and on the other side of the valley Scots Pine.
Kenny and I took advantage of a dry balmy afternoon to nip up to Double Buttress and then West End Crag. We climbed Oak wall HVS 5a, All's Fair E2 5c and the fingery Principle of Moments E3 6a, all of which are dry and on excellent rock. These crags see less traffic than many others and have a great selection of routes.
Higher up there's still winter condition for those that want it. Ben Nevis being the better option although even here the freezing level is forecast above the summit for the next few days. In Glencoe the big corries and gully lines still hold quite a bit of snow.
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