Seven years of Gaelic in primary school, a hunt through a dictionary and I'm still none the wiser about the name of this hill. Individually the words have multiple meanings, but Caim can mean crooked amongst other things, which figures as the alternative name used is "Crooked Crag".
Anyway, this is where Al and I hiked into, a couple of miles east of Malliag to have a look at the climbing here which sounded like it could be quite good. These crags are rarely visited from what I can gather and no one I know has been so I was quite curious.
The rocks are fairly impressive from a distance and are much larger than the pictures would suggest, being 80 - 90m on the central pillar. The stone however is extremely lichenous and mossy, which after a dry spell wouldn't be too much of a problem but today was damp, greasy, slippery and horrible. So we did some bouldering (of which there's lots) and then retired to Mallaig for coffee and cream scones. To keep the energy levels up.
Not having sated my apetite for climbing and not being able to drum up a partner at such short notice I nipped up to Glen Nevis and used a self belay system to climb on Whale Rock, where there's a nice steep crack line that happened to be clean and dry.
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